132 This program is protected by US and international copyright laws as described in the About Box
134 -XX.XX, -YY.YY
136 Insert Page
137 \nScene\nScene\nScene Files (*.tss)\n.tss\nTriSpectives.Scene\nTriSpectives Scene
139 Set text style to bold\nBold
201 Timeline window, use tab to select start position, then select play\nTimeline
204 \nOrbit Camera
205 Insert or copy 3D view\nInsert 3D View
208 Turn on timeline\nOn
210 Allow editing of IntelliShapes\nEdit IntelliShapes
217 Select true type font\nFonts
218 Enlarge or shrink current view to frame entire scene\nFit Camera
219 Select font size\nFont Size
221 Arvind Bill Chien-Ming Daniel 2*Dave 2*Eric Han Helena Jesse Joe John Kells Larry Mark Milt Patti Samir Vince
300 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
306 \nMove Camera
307 Unable to read this image file. The file is in an unfamiliar format or has been corrupted.
308 Solid
309 Dashed
310 None
311 Dotted
312 Model
313 Facet Model highlight
314 IntelliShape Model highlight
315 Unevaluated IntelliShape Model highlight
316 IntelliShape highlight
317 New models
318 New 2D lines and curves
319 SmartDimensions
320 Page background
321 Scene background
322 Model edges
323 Hidden lines
324 2D construction geometry
325 None
326 Indeo 3.2
327 Cinepak
328 Video1
329 RLE
330 Indeo 3.1
331 2D Shape highlight
333 Unknown type of image file;\nmust pick a filter.
334 File suffix and selected filter differ.\nContinue to export?
336 Animation Property Sheets
337 Pan Page\nPan
338 Textures that use the Box Normal image projection option\ncannot be repositioned.\n\nTo change the image projection option, edit the style properties.
339 Bumps that use the Box Normal image projection option\ncannot be repositioned.\n\nTo change the image projection option, edit the style properties.
340 Group highlight
32772 Insert new page\nInsert Page
32774 Insert Shape\nInsert Shape
32775 \nOrbit Camera
32776 \nMove Camera
32777 Edits the dimension controlled by this handle
32778 Edits properties for the selected handle
32795 Edit rotator\nEdit Rotator
32796 Edit the rotator properties sheet\nProperties
32797 Select more or select less than current item
32798 Edit properties of the selected objects(s)
32799 Select just the surface
32800 Select the entire shape
32801 Select sub-shape
32802 Edit the model properties sheet\nProperties
32803 Edit the feature properties sheet\nProperties
32804 Select surface
32805 Save all documents which are dirty\nSave All
32806 Save all documents\nSave All
32807 Move model using keyboard to enter distance
32808 Modify the surface finish applied to new shapes
32809 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle Camera ToolBar
32810 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle Model ToolBar
32811 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle 2dTools ToolBar
32812 Show or hide the catalog viewer\nToggle Catalog Viewer
32818 Insert new page\nInsert Page
32819 Import object into view\nImport
32820 Export object from view\nExport
32821 Insert new or copied 3D view\nInsert 3D View
32822 Insert new or copied 2D view\nInsert 2D View
32824 Insert embedded object\nInsert Object
32825 Modify the surface finish for this shape or surface
32826 Delete light
32839 Select all items\nSelect All
32842 Edit Ole Object component
32843 Maximize the app window and view\nFull Screen
32844 Show or hide the rulers\nToggle Rulers
32846 Use cursor to zoom camera in or out\nZoom Camera
32850 Export a model dialog\nExport Model
32852 Pop up the font dialog\nFont
32853 Pop up the paragraph dialog\nParagraph
32867 Pop up the options dialog\nOptions Dialog
32868 Use cursor to orbit camera around center of scene\nOrbit Camera
32869 Use cursor to move camera sideways or up and down\nPan Camera
32870 Use mouse to zoom in camera view\nZoom In Camera
32871 Use mouse to zoom out camera view\nZoom Out Camera
32872 Enlarge or shrink view to frame the entire scene\nFit Scene
32873 Modify the surface finish applied to new shapes\nSurface Finish
32874 Insert or copy 3D view\nInsert 3D View
32875 Insert model using file browser\nInsert Model
32876 Group shapes\nGroup
32877 Ungroup shapes\nUngroup
32878 Insert a 2d line\nLine
32879 Insert a 2d Square\nSquare
32880 Insert a 2d ellipse\nEllipse
32881 Insert a 2d arc\nArc
32882 Insert a 2d poly\nPoly
32883 Insert a 2d spline\nSpline
32884 Create a new catalog\nNew Catalog
32885 Open an existing catalog\nOpen Catalog
32886 Close the active catalog\nClose Catalog
32887 Save the active catalog\nSave Catalog
32888 Save the active catalog with a new name\nSave Catalog As
32889 Save all catalogs\nSave All Catalogs
32890 Set catalog viewer properties\nProperties
32891 Edit the catalog properties sheet\nProperties
32892 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
32893 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
32894 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
32895 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
32896 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
32897 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
32898 Edit the properties of the page document\nPage Properties
32899 Move model using keyboard to enter distance
32900 Change selection to be the sub-shape
32902 Edit the handle properties sheet\nProperties
32903 Edit handle value\nEdit Handle
32904 Change selection to be the entire shape to which this sub-shape belongs
32905 Attach SmartDimensioning tools to shape.
32906 Edit the SmartDimensions\nSmartDimenions
32910 Width
32911 50%
32912 75%
32913 200%
32914 150%
32915 100%
32916 Adjust toolbar display\nToolbars
32917 Set page zoom\nZoom Control
32918 Replace the page on drop
32919 Show TriSpectives help\nTriSpectives Help
32920 Show help search dialog\nHelp Search
32921 Edit the profile
32922 Arrange Icons in the catalog
32923 Auto Arrange Icons within the catalog
32924 Show labels under Icons within the catalog
32926 Delete the smart dimension\nDelete SmartDimension
32927 Set camera to look directly at selected surface\nLook At
32929 Insert a 2d circle\nCircle
32930 Insert a 2d elliptical arc\nElliptical Arc
32931 Insert a 2d fillet\nFillet
32932 Insert a 2d lBezier\nBezier
32934 Sets 3D editing mode to Edit Models\nEdit 3D Models
32935 Sets 3D editing mode to Edit Shapes\nEdit 3D Shapes
32936 Sets 3D editing mode to Edit Surfaces\nEdit 3D Surfaces
32939 Edit the surface properties sheet\nProperties
32940 Bring shape to front\nBring to Front
32941 Send shape to back\nSend to Back
32942 Bring shape forward\nBring Forward
32943 Send shape backwards\nSend Backwards
32949 Changes cursor back to 2D selector (arrow cursor)\n2D Selector
32950 Puts page view into three D mode and activates 3d tools \n3D Edit
32951 Puts page view into two D mode and activates 2d tools \n2D Edit
32952 Edit the light properties sheet\nProperties
32958 Insert Text Box\nInsert Text Box
32959 View properties\nView Properties
32961 Select tool\nSelect Tool
32962 Insert new scene\nInsert Scene
32963 Edit the properties of the scene document\nScene Properties